Foundation (CVFoundation.dll) 15.0
Non Linear Transformation Functions

Export of convenience calibration functions. More...


enum  TCalibrationPatternContrast { CPC_Black_On_White , CPC_White_On_Black }
enum  TCalibrationPatternStyle { CPS_Uniform_Dots , CPS_Asymmetric_Dots }


cvbres_t ApplyInverseNLTransform (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, double &X, double &Y)
 Calculates the inverse of a transformed single point using a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t ApplyInverseNLTransformPixelList (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, PIXELLIST List)
 Calculates the inverse of a tranformed PIXELLIST using a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t ApplyNLTransform (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, double &X, double &Y)
 Transforms a single point using a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t ApplyNLTransformPixelList (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, PIXELLIST List)
 Transforms a PIXELLIST using a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t CreateCalibrationPattern (cvbdim_t width, cvbdim_t height, cvbval_t numColumns, cvbval_t numRows, TCalibrationPatternStyle style, TCalibrationPatternContrast contrast, IMG &imgOut)
 Create a user-definable calibration pattern. More...
cvbres_t CreateCalibrationPatternA4 (cvbval_t numColumns, cvbval_t numRows, double borderH, double borderV, cvbval_t dpi, cvbbool_t landscape, TCalibrationPatternStyle style, TCalibrationPatternContrast contrast, IMG &imgOut)
 Create a user-definable calibration pattern suitable for printing on an A4 sheet of paper. More...
cvbres_t CreateCalibrationPatternLetter (cvbval_t numColumns, cvbval_t numRows, double borderH, double borderV, cvbval_t dpi, cvbbool_t landscape, TCalibrationPatternStyle style, TCalibrationPatternContrast contrast, IMG &imgOut)
 Create a user-definable calibration pattern suitable for printing on an sheet of letter-sized paper. More...
cvbres_t CreateInverseNLTransformedImage (IMG Image, NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, cvbdim_t TargetWidth, cvbdim_t TargetHeight, cvbdim_t XTargetOffset, cvbdim_t YTargetOffset, IMG &Out)
 Computes the inverse of a transformed image (or a part of the image) using a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t CreateNLTransform (PIXELLIST OriginalPixels, PIXELLIST TransformedPixels, cvbval_t Order, TFProgress Callback, void *PrivateData, NLTRANSFORMATION &Transformation, double &Quality)
 Calculates a non linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t CreateNLTransformedImage (IMG Image, NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, cvbdim_t TargetWidth, cvbdim_t TargetHeight, cvbdim_t XTargetOffset, cvbdim_t YTargetOffset, IMG &Out)
 Transforms a complete image (or a part of the image) using a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t GetCalibrationLists (IMG img, cvbdim_t index, TCalibrationPatternStyle style, TCalibrationPatternContrast contrast, TArea aoi, cvbdim_t gridSpacing, cvbval_t minContrast, double maxRatio, PIXELLIST &originalPixels, PIXELLIST &transformedPixels)
 Automatically extracts the pixel lists required for a call to CreateNLTransform from an image. More...
BOOL IsNLTransform (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation)
 Verifies whether the passed object describes a non-linear transformation object. More...
cvbbool_t LoadNLTransformFile (const char *FileName, NLTRANSFORMATION &Transformation)
 Loads a non-linear transformation object that has previously been stored in a file. More...
cvbbool_t LoadNLTransformFileW (const wchar_t *FileName, NLTRANSFORMATION &Transformation)
 Loads a non-linear transformation object that has previously been stored in a file. More...
cvbbool_t NLTransformCoefficients (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, double *CoeffsTransX, double *CoeffsTransY, double *CoeffsInvTransX, double *CoeffsInvTransY)
 Retrieves the coefficients determining a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbres_t NLTransformNumCoefficients (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation)
 Determines the number of coefficients a non-linear transformation object is using. More...
cvbres_t NLTransformOrder (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation)
 Determines the order of a non-linear transformation. More...
cvbbool_t WriteNLTransformFile (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, const char *FileName)
 Stores a non-linear transformation object in a file. More...
cvbbool_t WriteNLTransformFileW (NLTRANSFORMATION Transformation, const wchar_t *FileName)
 Stores a non-linear transformation object in a file. More...

Detailed Description

Export of convenience calibration functions.

1.0 First implementation. (VG, 07.05.2013)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TCalibrationPatternContrast

Definition of the contrast of the pattern used for automatic calibration.


Black elements on white background.


White elements on black background.

◆ TCalibrationPatternStyle

Definition of the calibration pattern style used for automatic calibration.


Symmetric grid of uniformly sized dots.


Symmetric grid of dots, four dots are bigger and define origin an orientation.

Function Documentation

◆ ApplyInverseNLTransform()

cvbres_t ApplyInverseNLTransform ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,
double &  X,
double &  Y 

Calculates the inverse of a transformed single point using a non-linear transformation.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
[in,out]XX-coordinate to be transformed (will also receive the transformation result).
[in,out]YY-coordinate to be transformed (will also receive the transformation result).
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:

◆ ApplyInverseNLTransformPixelList()

cvbres_t ApplyInverseNLTransformPixelList ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,

Calculates the inverse of a tranformed PIXELLIST using a non-linear transformation.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
[in,out]ListPixellist to be transformed.
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
ApplyNLTransformPixelList, Pixellist Image Dll Datatypes

◆ ApplyNLTransform()

cvbres_t ApplyNLTransform ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,
double &  X,
double &  Y 

Transforms a single point using a non-linear transformation.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
[in,out]XX-coordinate to be transformed (will also receive the transformation result).
[in,out]YY-coordinate to be transformed (will also receive the transformation result).
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:

◆ ApplyNLTransformPixelList()

cvbres_t ApplyNLTransformPixelList ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,

Transforms a PIXELLIST using a non-linear transformation.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
[in,out]ListPixellist to be transformed.
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
ApplyInverseNLTransformPixelList, Pixellist Image Dll Datatypes

◆ CreateCalibrationPattern()

cvbres_t CreateCalibrationPattern ( cvbdim_t  width,
cvbdim_t  height,
cvbval_t  numColumns,
cvbval_t  numRows,
TCalibrationPatternStyle  style,
TCalibrationPatternContrast  contrast,
IMG imgOut 

Create a user-definable calibration pattern.

The calibration pattern will consist of a regular spaced matrix of dots, the size of which will be determined by the input parameters.

The calibration pattern will consist of a regular rectangular grid of dots. The distance between the dots in x and y direction will be 2.5 times the diameter of the dots. If an asymmetric pattern was selected, the bigger dots will have 2.5 times the area of the smaller dots (meaning that their radius is sqrt(2.5) times the radius of the small dots).

[in]widthWidth of the output image in pixels.
[in]heightHeight of the output image in pixels.
[in]numColumnsNumber of dot columns in the image.
[in]numRowsNumber of dot rows in the image.
[in]styleCalibration pattern style to use. See TCalibrationPatternStyle for a description of the available options.
[in]contrastSelects whether to use white on black or black on white dots.
[out]imgOutImage containing the resulting pattern.
One of the CVC_ERROR values. < 0 indicates an error.

◆ CreateCalibrationPatternA4()

cvbres_t CreateCalibrationPatternA4 ( cvbval_t  numColumns,
cvbval_t  numRows,
double  borderH,
double  borderV,
cvbval_t  dpi,
cvbbool_t  landscape,
TCalibrationPatternStyle  style,
TCalibrationPatternContrast  contrast,
IMG imgOut 

Create a user-definable calibration pattern suitable for printing on an A4 sheet of paper.

The calibration pattern will consist of a regular spaced matrix of dots, the size of which will be determined by the input parameters. The size of the pattern image will be suitable for printing it on an A4 piece of paper (210x297 mm).

The calibration pattern will consist of a regular rectangular grid of dots. The distance between the dots in x and y direction will be 2.5 times the diameter of the dots. If an asymmetric pattern was selected, the bigger dots will have 2.5 times the area of the smaller dots (meaning that their radius is sqrt(2.5) times the radius of the small dots).

[in]numColumnsNumber of dot columns in the image.
[in]numRowsNumber of dot rows in the image.
[in]borderHHorizontal borders to be applied (in inches). This value should match the setting that is going to be used for printing the resulting image. Must not be negative. The meaning of horizontal refers to the paper size definition and is independent of the landscape setting.
[in]borderVVertical borders to be applied (in inches). This value should match the setting that is going to be used for printing the resulting image. Must not be negative. The meaning of vertical refers to the paper size definition and is independent of the landscape setting.
[in]dpiDot density to be used. It usually makes sense to set this parameter to the printer's physical dot density or half or quarter of that. Minimum value is 150.
[in]landscapeSet to true to generate a landscape format image (relevant only when using an asymmetric pattern).
[in]styleCalibration pattern style to use. See TCalibrationPatternStyle for a description of the available options.
[in]contrastSelects whether to use white on black or black on white dots.
[out]imgOutImage containing the resulting pattern.
One of the CVC_ERROR values. < 0 indicates an error.

◆ CreateCalibrationPatternLetter()

cvbres_t CreateCalibrationPatternLetter ( cvbval_t  numColumns,
cvbval_t  numRows,
double  borderH,
double  borderV,
cvbval_t  dpi,
cvbbool_t  landscape,
TCalibrationPatternStyle  style,
TCalibrationPatternContrast  contrast,
IMG imgOut 

Create a user-definable calibration pattern suitable for printing on an sheet of letter-sized paper.

The calibration pattern will consist of a regular spaced matrix of dots, the size of which will be determined by the input parameters. The size of the pattern image will be suitable for printing it on an piece of letter- sized paper (8.5 x 11 inches).

The calibration pattern will consist of a regular rectangular grid of dots. The distance between the dots in x and y direction will be 2.5 times the diameter of the dots. If an asymmetric pattern was selected, the bigger dots will have 2.5 times the area of the smaller dots (meaning that their radius is sqrt(2.5) times the radius of the small dots).

[in]numColumnsNumber of dot columns in the image.
[in]numRowsNumber of dot rows in the image.
[in]borderHHorizontal borders to be applied (in inches). This value should match the setting that is going to be used for printing the resulting image. Must not be negative. The meaning of horizontal refers to the paper size definition and is independent of the landscape setting.
[in]borderVVertical borders to be applied (in inches). This value should match the setting that is going to be used for printing the resulting image. Must not be negative. The meaning of vertical refers to the paper size definition and is independent of the landscape setting.
[in]dpiDot density to be used. It usually makes sense to set this parameter to the printer's physical dot density or half or quarter of that. Minimum value is 150.
[in]landscapeSet to true to generate a landscape format image (relevant only when using an asymmetric pattern).
[in]styleCalibration pattern style to use. See TCalibrationPatternStyle for a description of the available options.
[in]contrastSelects whether to use white on black or black on white dots.
[out]imgOutImage containing the resulting pattern.
One of the CVC_ERROR values. < 0 indicates an error.

◆ CreateInverseNLTransformedImage()

cvbres_t CreateInverseNLTransformedImage ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  TargetWidth,
cvbdim_t  TargetHeight,
cvbdim_t  XTargetOffset,
cvbdim_t  YTargetOffset,
IMG Out 

Computes the inverse of a transformed image (or a part of the image) using a non-linear transformation.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be transformed.
[in]TransformationHandle of the transformation object.
[in]TargetWidthDesired width of the transformation result in pixels.
Attention: A 1:1 correspondence of pixels and coordinate units in the target space is assumed.
[in]TargetHeightDesired height of the transformation result in pixels.
Attention: A 1:1 correspondence of pixels and coordinate units in the target space is assumed.
[in]XTargetOffsetX-offset to be applied for the transformation.
If the offsets are zero, then the result of the transformation will contain the target-space coordinates 0/0, TargetWidth-1/TargetHeight-1. The offset allow to change the section of the target image.
[in]YTargetOffsetY-offset to be applied for the transformation.
If the offsets are zero, then the result of the transformation will contain the target-space coordinates 0/0, TargetWidth-1/TargetHeight-1. The offset allow to change the section of the target image.
[out]OutHandle of the result image.
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ CreateNLTransform()

cvbres_t CreateNLTransform ( PIXELLIST  OriginalPixels,
PIXELLIST  TransformedPixels,
cvbval_t  Order,
TFProgress  Callback,
void *  PrivateData,
NLTRANSFORMATION &  Transformation,
double &  Quality 

Calculates a non linear transformation.

The transformation and inverse transformation is done simultaneously.
[in]OriginalPixelsCalibration points in the original image space.
[in]TransformedPixelsCalibration points in the target space.
Attention: The points in both pixel lists need to correspond 1:1 to each other, i.e. the 1st pixel in the transformed list will and must be the transformation result for the 1st pixel in the original list.
[in]OrderOrder of the polynomial to be calculated.
Set to 0 for auto-select. The decision is always based on the number of calibration points specified.
[in]CallbackUsually the fitting of the calibration data takes a significant amount of time. This callback provides a means of getting notification about the progress of the calculations. The callback must have the following signature:
TFProgress = Function( pPrivate : Pointer; StepsTotal, StepsDone : LongInt ) : LongBool; stdcall;
BOOL ( __stdcall *TFProgress) (void * pPrivate, long StepsTotal, long StepsDone);
cvbbool_t(* TFProgress)(void *pPrivate, cvbval_t StepsTotal, cvbval_t StepsDone)
[in]PrivateDataPrivate data pointer to be passed to the callback function. Specify whatever you need here.
Attention: Visual Basic users please always specify 0 here!
[out]TransformationHandle of result transformation object.
[out]QualityQuality of the transformation. Ranges from -1 (very bad) to 1(perfect).
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Causes for failures are almost always problems with the pixel lists (unmatching length, too few pixels, linearly dependent pixels).
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Pixellist Image Dll Datatypes
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ CreateNLTransformedImage()

cvbres_t CreateNLTransformedImage ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  TargetWidth,
cvbdim_t  TargetHeight,
cvbdim_t  XTargetOffset,
cvbdim_t  YTargetOffset,
IMG Out 

Transforms a complete image (or a part of the image) using a non-linear transformation.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be transformed.
[in]TransformationHandle of the transformation object.
[in]TargetWidthDesired width of the transformation result in pixels.
Attention: A 1:1 correspondence of pixels and coordinate units in the target space is assumed.
[in]TargetHeightDesired height of the transformation result in pixels.
Attention: A 1:1 correspondence of pixels and coordinate units in the target space is assumed.
[in]XTargetOffsetX-offset to be applied for the transformation.
If the offsets are zero, then the result of the transformation will contain the target-space coordinates 0/0, TargetWidth-1/TargetHeight-1. The offset allow to change the section of the target image.
[in]YTargetOffsetY-offset to be applied for the transformation.
If the offsets are zero, then the result of the transformation will contain the target-space coordinates 0/0, TargetWidth-1/TargetHeight-1. The offset allow to change the section of the target image.
[out]OutHandle of the result image.
0 : OK
< 0: an error occurred.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ GetCalibrationLists()

cvbres_t GetCalibrationLists ( IMG  img,
cvbdim_t  index,
TCalibrationPatternStyle  style,
TCalibrationPatternContrast  contrast,
TArea  aoi,
cvbdim_t  gridSpacing,
cvbval_t  minContrast,
double  maxRatio,
PIXELLIST originalPixels,
PIXELLIST transformedPixels 

Automatically extracts the pixel lists required for a call to CreateNLTransform from an image.

The image given to this function should contain a calibration pattern as generated by the functions CreateCalibrationPattern, CreateCalibrationPatternA4 or CreateCalibrationPatternLetter: A regular spaced matrix of dots, the distance between the dots in x and y direction should be 2.5 times the diameter of the dots, if an asymmetric pattern was used, the bigger dots should have 2.5 times the area of the smaller dots (meaning that their radius is sqrt(2.5) times the radius of the small dots).

Note that although the area of interest is given as a TArea structure here (and in the processing of the TArea structure the Image's coordinate system will be respected), the actual output of this function uses pixel coordinates! This seemingly inconsistent mix in this case is in fact useful because a TArea structure will better capture the actual location of a calibration pattern especially if the image has been rotated than a left/top - right/bottom style area of interest, but the calibration functions working on the output of GetCalibrationLists usually assume that the pixel lists are given in pixel coordinates. To avoid misunderstandings and complications in the interpretation of the image content it is recommended to use a default coordinate system on the input image. If you do not want to specify an area of interest, use the function MaxImageArea from the CVCImg.dll to define the maximum possible area of interest.

[in]imgImage containing the calibration pattern.
[in]indexIndex of the plane to be processed.
[in]styleCalibration pattern style visible in the image.
[in]contrastSelects whether the image shows white on black or black on white dots.
[in]aoiArea of interest in which to look for the calibration pattern's dots.
[in]gridSpacingspacing of the calibration dot grid in the target image.
[in]minContrastMinimum gray value contrast between the object and the background of the calibration target pattern. Value to be set depends on the quality of the image taken from the pattern, but in a typical situation this contrast should not drop below 64 gray values, otherwise it might become difficult to extract the calibration points.
[in]maxRatioMaximum ratio between the biggest and the smallest calibration dot. This value will be used to identify outliers when looking for calibration dots. It should be set high enough to allow for the area variations to be expected due to perspective distortions and small enough to eliminate the candidates that are either too big or too small to be valid calibration pattern dots. Typically, values of about 3.0 to 5.0 are big enough - even if there is notable perspective distortion visible in the images. If an asymmetric calibration pattern has been selected, the ratio used for calculation will be adapted accordingly.
[out]originalPixelsPixel list containing the locations of the calibration dots in the input image in pixel coordinates.
[out]transformedPixelsPixel list containing the appropriate locations of the calibration dots in the target image of the calibration.
One of the CVC_ERROR values. < 0 indicates an error.

◆ IsNLTransform()

BOOL IsNLTransform ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation)

Verifies whether the passed object describes a non-linear transformation object.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
TRUE indicates that it is a non-linear transformation object, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ LoadNLTransformFile()

cvbbool_t LoadNLTransformFile ( const char *  FileName,
NLTRANSFORMATION &  Transformation 

Loads a non-linear transformation object that has previously been stored in a file.

[in]FileNameName of the file to be loaded.
[out]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
TRUE indicates that loading was successful, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ LoadNLTransformFileW()

cvbbool_t LoadNLTransformFileW ( const wchar_t *  FileName,
NLTRANSFORMATION &  Transformation 

Loads a non-linear transformation object that has previously been stored in a file.

[in]FileNameName of the file to be loaded.
[out]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
TRUE indicates that loading was successful, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ NLTransformCoefficients()

cvbbool_t NLTransformCoefficients ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,
double *  CoeffsTransX,
double *  CoeffsTransY,
double *  CoeffsInvTransX,
double *  CoeffsInvTransY 

Retrieves the coefficients determining a non-linear transformation.

The transformation itself is always a polynomial for each, the X and the Y transformation.
Additionally, there are two sets of polynomials: One for transformation and one for inverse transformation.
The polynomials are assembled such that the higher order terms are always prepended at the beginning. \n\n
\b Examples: \n
2nd Order Transformation polynomials: \n
x' = a1 * x<sup>2</sup> + a2 * x * y + a3 * y<sup>2</sup> + a4 * x + a5 * y + a6 \n
y' = b1 * x<sup>2</sup> + b2 * x * y + b3 * y<sup>2</sup> + b4 * x + b5 * y + b6 \n\n
3rd Order Transformation polynomials: \n
x' = a1 * x<sup>3</sup> + a2 * x<sup>2</sup>y + a3 * xy<sup>2</sup> + a4 * y<sup>3</sup> + a5 * x<sup>2</sup> + a6 * x * y + a7 * y<sup>2</sup> + a8 * x + a9 * y + a10 \n
y' = b1 * x<sup>3</sup> + b2 * x<sup>2</sup>y + b3 * xy<sup>2</sup> + b4 * y<sup>3</sup> + b5 * x<sup>2</sup> + b6 * x * y + b7 * y<sup>2</sup> + b8 * x + b9 * y + b10
The caller is responsible to make sure that the arrays to take up the coefficients are sufficiently big (you may determine the number of elements necessary by calling NLTransformNumCoefficients).
[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
[out]CoeffsTransXArray for the transformation coefficients of the x-transformation.
Attention: Visual Basic user specify the first element of the array here!
[out]CoeffsTransYArray for the transformation coefficients of the y-transformation.
Attention: Visual Basic user specify the first element of the array here!
[out]CoeffsInvTransXArray for the transformation coefficients of the inverse x-transformation.
Attention: Visual Basic user specify the first element of the array here!
[out]CoeffsInvTransYArray for the transformation coefficients of the inverse y-transformation.
Attention: Visual Basic user specify the first element of the array here!
TRUE if succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ NLTransformNumCoefficients()

cvbres_t NLTransformNumCoefficients ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation)

Determines the number of coefficients a non-linear transformation object is using.

This function is normally used together with \ref NLTransformCoefficients.
[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
The number of coefficients used by the Transformation.
< 1 if the object does not describe a non-linear transformation.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ NLTransformOrder()

cvbres_t NLTransformOrder ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation)

Determines the order of a non-linear transformation.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object.
The order of the transformation described by Transformation.
< 1 if the object does not describe a non-linear transformation.
Supported platforms:
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ WriteNLTransformFile()

cvbbool_t WriteNLTransformFile ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,
const char *  FileName 

Stores a non-linear transformation object in a file.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object to be saved.
[in]FileNameName of the file to be saved.
TRUE indicates that saving was successful, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example

◆ WriteNLTransformFileW()

cvbbool_t WriteNLTransformFileW ( NLTRANSFORMATION  Transformation,
const wchar_t *  FileName 

Stores a non-linear transformation object in a file.

[in]TransformationHandle of transformation object to be saved.
[in]FileNameName of the file to be saved.
TRUE indicates that saving was successful, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Visual C++ - VC Nonlinear Calibration Example
CSharp - C# Nonlinear Transformation Example