Image Manager (CVCDriver.dll) 15.0
Deprecated List
Module Acquisition

Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.

Is obsolete by newer Grabber interfaces IAcquisitionEngine

Global CanLineScan (IMG Image)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global CanPingPong (IMG Image)
Is obsolete by newer Grabber interfaces IAcquisitionEngine
Global LSFreeze (IMG Image)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetBlocksPerFrame (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lNumBlocks)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetBlocksPerFrameRange (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lMin, cvbval_t &lMax)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetExposureTime (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lExposureTime)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetExposureTimeRange (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lMin, cvbval_t &lMax)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetExSyncPol (IMG Image, LSPolarity &lPol)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetImageHeight (IMG Image, cvbval_t &Lines)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetImageWidth (IMG Image, cvbdim_t &lStart, cvbdim_t &lWidth)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetImageWidthRange (IMG Image, cvbdim_t &lMin, cvbdim_t &lMax)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetLineRate (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lLineRate)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetLineRateRange (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lMin, cvbval_t &lMax)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetLineTriggerMode (IMG Image, LSLineTriggerMode &Mode)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSGetPrinPol (IMG Image, LSPolarity &lPol)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetBlocksPerFrame (IMG Image, cvbval_t lNumBlocks)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetExposureTime (IMG Image, cvbval_t lExposureTime)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetExSyncPol (IMG Image, LSPolarity lPol)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetImageHeight (IMG Image, cvbval_t Lines)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetImageWidth (IMG Image, cvbdim_t lStart, cvbdim_t lWidth)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetLineRate (IMG Image, cvbval_t lLineRate)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetLineTriggerMode (IMG Image, LSLineTriggerMode Mode)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSSetPrinPol (IMG Image, LSPolarity lPol)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global LSStatus (IMG Image, cvbval_t &lStatus)
Deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.01.000 because most drivers do not support the ILineScan interface any more.
Global NextImage (IMG Image, cvbuint32_t dwTimeout)
Is obsolete by newer Grabber interfaces IAcquisitionEngine
Global StartPingPong (IMG Image)
Is obsolete by newer Grabber interfaces IAcquisitionEngine
Global UpdatePingPong (IMG Image)
Is obsolete by newer Grabber interfaces IAcquisitionEngine
Global WaitPingPong (IMG Image, cvbuint32_t dwTimeout)
Is obsolete by newer Grabber interfaces IAcquisitionEngine