Image Manager (CVCore3D.dll) 15.0
CVC3DAffineTransformationParameters Struct Reference

Affine transformation parameters. More...

Data Fields

double InclinationX
 Inclination of laser plane (rotation about x axis) in [degree].
double InclinationZ
 Inclination of laser plane (rotation about z axis) in [degree].
CVC3DVector RotationAngles
 Rotation angles about x, y and z in [degree].
CVC3DFactors Scale
 Scale factors.
double Syx
 Shear Syx (induced by InlinationZ).
double Syz
 Shear Syz (induced by InlinationX).

Detailed Description

Affine transformation parameters.

This struct contains the transformation parameters for calculating a 3D affine matrix. It allows for the transformation of an intrinsically calibrated point cloud to a world coordinate system. In addition to three rotation angles and three scaling factors, the struct includes two shear parameters Syx and Syz which correct an inclined laser plane.

The affine transformation matrix can be derived from these parameters using the formula shown below:

R is a 3D rotation matrix calculated from the RotationAngles.