3D Display Control Reference 15.0


IGNORE_DOXYGEN enum Core3DViewerInteractorMode InteractorMode
 Gets or sets the interaction mode to be used. More...
LONG NumCoordinateAxes
 Number of ccordinate axes currently shown on the 3D display. More...
LONG NumLabels
 Number of labels currently shown on the 3D display. More...
LONG NumPointClouds
 Number of point clouds currently shown on the 3D display. More...
LONG NumPointMarkers
 Number of 3D point markers currently shown on the 3D display. More...
 Toggles the display of the three coordinate axes and the scene's origin. More...
VARIANT_BOOL ShowContextMenu
 Toggles the display of the 3D display's context menu. More...
VARIANT_BOOL ShowSelectorBox
 Toggles the display of an interactive volume-of-interest selector. More...
VARIANT_BOOL ShowSelectorBoxExtent
 Toggles the display of the current extent of the volume-of- interest selector. More...

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ InteractorMode

IGNORE_DOXYGEN enum Core3DViewerInteractorMode InteractorMode

Gets or sets the interaction mode to be used.

A description of the available interaction modes may be found in the description of the Core3DViewerInteractorMode enumeration.

[in,out]InteractorModeInteraction mode to be used.
Current interaction mode.

◆ NumCoordinateAxes

LONG NumCoordinateAxes

Number of ccordinate axes currently shown on the 3D display.

For details about labels please refer to AddCoordinateAxes

[out]NumCoordinateAxesRead only!
Number of coordinate axes currently shown on the 3D display.

◆ NumLabels

LONG NumLabels

Number of labels currently shown on the 3D display.

For details about labels please refer to AddLabel.

[out]NumLabelsRead only!
Number of labels currently shown on the 3D display.

◆ NumPointClouds

LONG NumPointClouds

Number of point clouds currently shown on the 3D display.

For details about point clouds please refer to AddPointCloudSolid.

[out]NumPointCloudsRead only!
Number of point clouds currently shown on the 3D display.

◆ NumPointMarkers

LONG NumPointMarkers

Number of 3D point markers currently shown on the 3D display.

For details about point markers please refer to AddPointMarker.

[out]NumPointMarkersRead only!
Number of 3D point markers currently shown on the 3D display.

◆ ShowAxes


Toggles the display of the three coordinate axes and the scene's origin.

The 3D viewer optionally indicates the location of the origin and the direction of the three Cartesian coordinate axes using three lines that intersect in the origin (0, 0, 0) of the scene. The coordinate axes are color-coded as follows:

  • red: x
  • yellow: y
  • green: z
[in,out]ShowAxesSet to TRUE to show the axes, FALSE to hide them.
Current axes visibility.

◆ ShowContextMenu

VARIANT_BOOL ShowContextMenu

Toggles the display of the 3D display's context menu.

When right-clicking somewhere in the 3D display's client area while holding down one of the SHIFT keys the 3D display may open a context menu with which some of the display's visualization settings may be influenced at runtime.

By default this setting will be TRUE and the context menu will pop up when holding one of the SHIFT keys while clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the 3D display.

[in,out]ShowSelectorBoxExtentSet to TRUE to show the selector box extent indicator, FALSE to hide it.
Current selector box extent indicator visibility.

◆ ShowSelectorBox

VARIANT_BOOL ShowSelectorBox

Toggles the display of an interactive volume-of-interest selector.

The volume of interest selector is a movable and modifiable box with which it is possible to interactively define a selection in the 3D display. ShowSelectorBoxExtent will toggle the display of the extent of the currently shown selection box. GetSelectedVolume will return the currently selected ranges in x, y and z. An OnSelectorBoxMove event will be fired whenever the user moves or modifies the selector box.

Note that it is not possible to rotate the selection box.

By default the selector box will be hidden.

[in,out]ShowSelectorBoxSet to TRUE to show the selector box, FALSE to hide it.
Current selector box visibility.

◆ ShowSelectorBoxExtent

VARIANT_BOOL ShowSelectorBoxExtent

Toggles the display of the current extent of the volume-of- interest selector.

The volume of interest selector is a movable and modifiable box with which it is possible to interactively define a selection in the 3D display. ShowSelectorBox will toggle the display of this box, GetSelectedVolume will return the currently selected ranges in x, y and z.

If ShowSelectorBox and ShowSelectorBoxExtent are both set to TRUE then an indicator in the left bottom corner of the 3D display will show the current extent of the selector box.

By default the selector box extent will be hidden.

[in,out]ShowSelectorBoxExtentSet to TRUE to show the selector box extent indicator, FALSE to hide it.
Current selector box extent indicator visibility.