Image Manager DLLs

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Image Manager DLLs


Each of the core Common Vision Blox DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) is described in more detail following the links.


CVCImg Library






The CVCImg.dll library is the basis for all tool and application development.

It contains facilities for:

generating image objects,

accessing image data,

coordinate system functions and

image processing functions that are frequently required.

Functions that address the Windows clipboard are also included.

Find functionality with : Area, Matrix, Map, Rect, Coordinate, Dongle, License, Tool, Draw, Fill, Flood, Image, Create, Copy, Set, Write, Error, Object, etc.

Image objects can be generated from both image files and driver files.



CVCDisp Library







The CVCDisp.dll library contains functions for displaying images under Windows :

interactive or manual zooming,


interface for displaying custom overlays and overlay plug-ins,

overlay labels.

Find functionality with : Display, Object, Overlay, Area, Label, Image, Window, etc.

Images are displayed using standard Windows functions (DIB) or by means of DirectDraw, if DirectDraw is used all overlays are flicker-free.


CVCDriver Library



CVgrabber_32x32     CVdigIO_32x32   CVringbuffer_32x32




CVCDriver.dll is the one library that is continually growing within the Common Vision Blox concept.

The library contains functions to

access all the driver interfaces,

functions for every interface to inform the user whether the interface is supported by the current image object.

Find functionality with : BoardSelect and CameraSelect, DeviceControl, NodeMapHandle, Grab, Snap, Trigger, Image, Buffer, etc.

A program or tool that requires a special interface should always verify if the required interface is available before attempting to access it.



CVGenAPI Library








The GenAPI is part of the GenICam™ standard whereas the transport layer is typically provided by the camera or software vendor.

The XML files are provided by the relevant vendor.

At runtime, it may be necessary to modify individual camera features or present these to the end user.

This can be achieved, on the one hand, using the CV Gen Api functions for accessing the CVB GenICam interface and, on the other, the Common Vision Gen Api Grid Control.

The CVGeniApi.dll library contains functions to provide easy control of a GenICam compliant device like a GigE Vision camera.

Find functionality with : NodeMap, NM, Node, N, Load, Save, Get, Set, Info, etc.



CVCUtilities Library






This library contains functions for

for accessing CVB image data directly,

system information, as well as

functions that are not directly associated with CVB e.g. High Performance counters.



CVCore3D and CVCore Library






CVCore3D.DLL, CVCore.dll

This libraries contain functions for

object modification, like functions to convert range maps to point clouds and vice versa,

contains the basic classes for manipulation of 3D data,

flexible datacontainer (CVCOMPOSITE) and functions as base for other dataformats (e.g. point clouds).

Find functionality with : Create, Transform, Calculate, Rotate, PointCloud, Matrix, Vector, etc.