ClassifierRead Method (ImagePlane, Area2D, Double, Area2D)

CVB.Net Documentation
Reads a list of characters, using the following approach:
  1. To begin with, the first object in the startAOI will be searched.
  2. This result's advance vector will be added to this result's position; around the result position, the ocrAOI will be centered.
  3. The result area will be used as the AOI for a new FindFirst search operation.
The whole process will be repeated until no more results are encountered. String of up to 32k characters are read.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Minos
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Minos (in Stemmer.Cvb.Minos.dll) Version:

public SearchResult[] Read(
	ImagePlane plane,
	Area2D startAOI,
	double density,
	Area2D ocrAOI


Type: Stemmer.CvbImagePlane
image plane to read on
Type: Stemmer.CvbArea2D
area in which to start the read operation
Type: SystemDouble
density to be used for the read operation
Type: Stemmer.CvbArea2D
area to be used for the intermediate read steps; this area will be applied relative to the expected position of the next character and is typically only a few pixels wide and high

Return Value

Type: SearchResult
the list of characters that has been read by this function

ArgumentNullExceptionIf the Parent of plane is null
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionIf density is either less than 0 or greater than 1
ObjectDisposedExceptionIf the classifier or the image it should work on has already been disposed
See Also
