ClassifierRead Method

CVB.Net Documentation
Overload List

Public methodRead(ImagePlane, Area2D, Double, Area2D)
Reads a list of characters, using the following approach:
  1. To begin with, the first object in the startAOI will be searched.
  2. This result's advance vector will be added to this result's position; around the result position, the ocrAOI will be centered.
  3. The result area will be used as the AOI for a new FindFirst search operation.
The whole process will be repeated until no more results are encountered. String of up to 32k characters are read.
Public methodRead(ImagePlane, ReadMode, Area2D, Double, Area2D, SearchResult)
Reads a string of characters, using the following approach:
  1. To begin with, the first object in the startAOI will be searched.
  2. This result's advance vector will be added to this result's position; around the result position, the ocrAOI will be centered.
  3. The result area will be used as the AOI for a new FindFirst search operation.
The whole process will be repeated until no more results are encountered. String of up to 32k characters are read.
See Also
