ExtendedOverlayPluginBaseTData Class

CVB.Net Documentation
Base class for all overlays that come with a plugin data structure
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Overlays
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Forms (in Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.dll) Version:

public abstract class ExtendedOverlayPluginBase<TData> : OverlayPluginBase
where TData : struct, new()

Type Parameters

Type of the information container for the plugin.

The ExtendedOverlayPluginBaseTData type exposes the following members.


Protected methodExtendedOverlayPluginBaseTData
Standard constructor for overlays with a plugin data structure.

Public propertyColor
Color of the label
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Protected propertyDisplayID
The ID under which the unmanaged display "knows" the label
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public propertyFilled
Specifies whether or not the OPI should be painted filled
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
Public propertyInvokeRequired
tell whether actions on the display object require an invoke action or not (being user interface objects, display objects should not be modified asynchronously)
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public propertyIsDragable
Label dragable?
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public propertyName
Friendly name of the overlay plugin
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
Public propertyParent
The display on which the label lives (if any...). Note that a label may only be associated with one display at a time
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public propertyTag
Field for user-definable data to be associated with the overlay object.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public propertyText
Text being displayed on the label and/or in the status line
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public propertyXORPainting
specifies the paint mode (opaque or XOR)
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)

Public methodClone
virtual copy constructor for overlay objects
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
Protected methodCreateOverlayWrapper
overrideable creation function for overlay wrapper objects
(Overrides OverlayPluginBaseCreateOverlayWrapper.)
Protected methodCreatePluginData
Inheritors must override this and in the override prepare the plugin data reflecting the OPI's current state (depending usually on the current values of the Overlay object's properties)
Protected methodDestroyAndCreatePropertyChanged
Method to be called whenever a property value changed that necessitates a destroy + create in order to reflect the property change on the actual display.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnConnectToDisplay
Establish connection with a new display.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Protected methodOnDisconnectFromDisplay
Disconnect the object from its parent display.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Protected methodOpiDataPropertyChanged
A property that is relevant for the opi data structure has been changed; as a consequence, the opi may potentially need to be re-generated in order to reflect the changes.
Protected methodOpiDataPropertyChanged(Boolean)
A property that is relevant for the opi data structure has been changed; as a consequence, the opi may potentially need to be re-generated in order to reflect the changes.
Protected methodOverlay_ConnectedToDisplay
Connect the overlay plugin to the display by means of an OPI wrapper
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
Protected methodOverlay_DisconnectedFromDisplay
Remove an OPI from a display (effectively: kill it...)
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Protected fieldcolor_
Internally stored color.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Protected fieldopiData_
The plugin-specific data structure
Protected fieldopiInfo_
information about the OPI that is being used by this object
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
Protected fieldvertices_
Array with the most up-to-date construction vertices
(Inherited from OverlayPluginBase.)
See Also


Inheritance Hierarchy
