Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Overlays Namespace

CVB.Net Documentation
The overlay plug ins (based on the *.opi files of the Common Vision Blox installation) that may be used with the Display control are located in the namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Overlays.

Public classArcOverlay
An arc zoom factor
Public classArea2DOverlay
An overlay object representing an Area2D object on a Display.
Public classBitmapOverlay
A "target" - in principle a stack of crosshair plugins
Public classCircleOverlay
An circle overlay.
Public classCircularTargetOverlay
Target overlay consisting of stacked circles
Public classCompassOverlay
Compass plugin, indicating text and optionally an angle.
Public classCrossHairOverlay
A simple Crosshair overlay.
Public classDisplayLabel
Display Label.
Public classDisplayObjectListTObj
A Collection class for displayable object collections
Public classExtendedOverlayPluginBaseTData
Base class for all overlays that come with a plugin data structure
Public classFixedSizeBitmapOverlay
A "target" - in principle a stack of crosshair plugins
Public classFixedSizeEllipseOverlay
An ellipse overlay that does not change size regardless of the display's zoom factor
Public classImageOverlay
A picture in picture display of a CVB image by means of an overlay.
Public classLineOverlay
A simple line overlay.
Public classOverlayBase
Base object for all displayable objects (currently labels and overlay plug in objects)
Public classOverlayDictionary
Dictionary that provides access to the list of installed CVB overlay plugins.
Public classOverlayList
Label collection object.
Public classOverlayPluginBase
Overlay plugin object
Public classPenStyleOverlayPluginBase
Base class for all overlays that use pen width and pen style through a TPenStylePluginData structure.
Public classPixelListOverlay
A pixel list overlay that marks each pixel individually.
Public classPolyLineOverlay
A polygon overlay.
Public classRectangularTargetOverlay
Target overlay consisting of stacked rounded rectangles
Public classRectOverlay
An overlay representing a Rect object.
Public classRotatedCrossHairOverlay
A simple Crosshair overlay.
Public classRotatedRectangleOverlay
A Rotated Rect.
Public classSmartRectOverlay
A rectangle object
Public classTargetOverlay
A "target" - in principle a stack of crosshair plugins
Public classTextOverlay
A label with selectable font properties (note: not all available font attributes are supported...).
Public classUserOverlay
User-definable overlay. This type of overlay does not use a predefined appearance, but needs to be user-drawn using a subset of the GDI functionality exported by the UnmanagedGraphics object.
Public classUserOverlayPaintEventArgs
Paint arguments for UserOverlays. These are basically identical with the PaintEventArgs objects from the auxiliary DLL, with the addition of the drag handle index.

Public structureOverlayPluginInfo
Object gathering all relevant information about an installed overlay plugin.

Public enumerationDragHandlesInUse
Enum making the evaluation of the currently moving drag handles on the event arguments easier.
Public enumerationNeedleMode
The different behaviors of the compass needle.