DeviceFactory Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The DeviceFactory type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberDiscover
Discovers available devices (not vins) with a default time span of 300ms.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(String)
Discovers available nodes starting on level of the given accessToken with a default time span of 300ms.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(DiscoverFlags)
Discovers available devices/nodes depending on the given flags with a default time span of 300ms.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(DiscoveryInformation)
Discovers available nodes starting on the level of the given discover info with a default time span of 300ms.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(String, DiscoverFlags)
Discovers available nodes starting on level of the given accessToken with a default time span of 300ms.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(DiscoverFlags, TimeSpan)
Discovers available devices/nodes depending on the given flags.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(DiscoveryInformation, DiscoverFlags)
Discovers available nodes starting on level of the given discover info with a default time span of 300ms.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(String, DiscoverFlags, TimeSpan)
Discovers available nodes starting on level of the given accessToken.
Public methodStatic memberDiscover(DiscoveryInformation, DiscoverFlags, TimeSpan)
Discovers available nodes starting on level of the given discover info.
Public methodStatic memberGetOpenDeviceSnapshot
Gets all currently opened devices.
Public methodStatic memberOpen(String)
Tries to open a device with the given provider with its default board and port (if applicable).
Public methodStatic memberOpen(DiscoveryInformation)
Opens a device based on the given discovery info.
Public methodStatic memberOpen(String, Int32, Int32)
Open a device with the given provider.
Public methodStatic memberOpenBoard
Open a device with the given provider and board.
Public methodStatic memberOpenPort
Open a device with the given provider and port.
Public methodStatic memberTryOpen(String, Device)
Tries to open a device with the given provider with its default board and port (if applicable).
Public methodStatic memberTryOpen(DiscoveryInformation, Device)
Tries to open a device with the given discovery info.
Public methodStatic memberTryOpen(String, Int32, Int32, Device)
Tries to open a device with the given provider.
Public methodStatic memberTryOpenBoard
Tries to open a device with the given provider and board.
Public methodStatic memberTryOpenPort
Tries to open a device with the given provider and port.
See Also
