DeviceFactoryDiscover Method

CVB.Net Documentation
Discovers available devices (not vins) with a default time span of 300ms.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb (in Stemmer.Cvb.dll) Version:

public static DiscoveryInformationList Discover()

Return Value

Type: DiscoveryInformationList
The list of found devices.

This method behaves like the CVB Management Console when discovering devices: It lists all GenICam devices (like GigE Vision and USB3 Vision) and filters out the STEMMER IMAGING Socket Driver devices for GigE Vision (only shows Filter Driver devices).

This method does not throw a TimeoutException if the wait time is exceeded: it just waits for the time span. If a device answers after this span it is not in the returned list.

See Also
