VideoImage Class

CVB.Net Documentation
Image of a video.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Driver
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb (in Stemmer.Cvb.dll) Version:

public class VideoImage : DeviceImage

The VideoImage type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBounds
Retrieve the bounding rect of the Image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyColorModel
Color model that is realized by this image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyCoordinateSystem
Coordinate system of the image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyFrameTime
Gets the time this frame is valid.
Public propertyHandle
Native CVB image handle.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyHasOverlayMask
True if at least one of the image infos has the overlay mask bit set.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyHeight
Width of the image in pixels.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyIsDisconnected
Gets whether this image is now standalone (not connected to a device anymore.
(Inherited from DeviceImage.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Tests if the native handle has already been disposed.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the parent device of this image.
(Inherited from DeviceImage.)
Public propertyPlanes
Access to the infos of the image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertySize
Size of the image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public propertyWidth
Width of the image in pixels.
(Inherited from Image.)

Public methodBeginPixelContentChange
Starts an image update block.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodClone
Creates a new Image object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodClose (Inherited from Image.)
Public methodContains
Tests if a pixel location is inside the image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodCopy
Creates a new Image object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodCopyTo(Image)
Copies the image data from this image to the targetImage.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodCopyTo(Image, Rect, Point2D)
Copies the image data from the sourceRect of this image to the targetImagetargetPosition.
(Inherited from Image.)
Protected methodDetach
Detaches this Image object from the native IMG.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodDispose
IDisposable implementation.
(Inherited from Image.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Change the dispose handling by just detaching from the native handle.
(Inherited from DeviceImage.)
Public methodEndPixelContentChange
Ends an image update block.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodEquals
Equality check.
(Inherited from Image.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Build a suitable hash code.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodGetPixel(Point2D)
Gets the pixel values for all planes at the given position.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodGetPixel(Int32, Int32)
Gets the pixel values for all planes at the given position.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodImageToPixelCoordinates(Area2D)
Convert an Area2D from image to pixel coordinates.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodImageToPixelCoordinates(Point2Dd)
Convert a pixel from image to pixel coordinates.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodInitialize(Double)
Initialize all planes of this image to the specified value.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodInitialize(Double)
Initialize all planes of this image to the specified values.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodInitialize(Area2D, Double)
Initialize the given area in all planes of this image to the specified value.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodInitialize(Area2D, Double)
Initialize the given area in all planes of this image to the specified values.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodInitialize(Rect, Double)
Initialize the given area in all planes of this image to the specified value.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodInitialize(Rect, Double)
Initialize the given area in all planes of this image to the specified values.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodMap(Rect)
Creates a mapped image of the rect region of this image.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodMap(Size2D)
Creates a mapped image of this whole image scaled to the targetSize.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodMap(Rect, Size2D)
Creates a mapped image of the sourceRect region of this image scaled to the targetSize.
(Inherited from Image.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnPixelContentChanged
Inform clients listening to the PixelContentChanged event that this image data has been completely updated (full area).
(Inherited from Image.)
Protected methodOnPixelContentChanged(Rect)
Inform clients listening to the PixelContentChanged event that this image data has been updated in the given rect.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodPixelToImageCoordinates(Area2D)
Convert an Area2D from pixel to image coordinates.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodPixelToImageCoordinates(Point2Dd)
Convert a pixel from pixel to image coordinates.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodRaisePixelContentChanged
Inform clients listening to the PixelContentChanged event that this image data has been completely updated (full area).
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodRaisePixelContentChanged(Rect)
Inform clients listening to the PixelContentChanged event that this image data has been updated in the given rect.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodSave(String)
Write the current content of the image into a file. The file format to be used is determined by the extension of the fileName. If a lossy format is selected, a default quality setting will be used (if you want to specify your own quality setting, please use the overload that allows specification of a quality value).
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodSave(String, Double)
Write the current content of the image into a file. The file format to be used is determined based on the fileName's extension. The quality (and thereby size) of the resulting file can be adjusted using the quality parameter. When saving to a lossless file format, the quality parameter will be silently ignored.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodCode exampleStartPixelContentChangeBlock
Starts an image update block to be used in a using statement.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodSubImage(Area2D)
Creates a new Image that is a copy from the given sourceArea of the image data of the current instance.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodSubImage(Rect)
Creates a new Image that is a copy from the given sourceRect of the image data of the current instance.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodToObjectBuffer
Create a byte buffer with the serialized image object data.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Public eventObjectDisposing
Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the Dispose method.
(Inherited from Image.)
Public eventPixelContentChanged
Fired when the image data of this image was consciously updated.
(Inherited from Image.)
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAffineTransform(AffineMatrix2D)Overloaded.
Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of the whole image img.
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodAffineTransform(AffineMatrix2D, Area2D)Overloaded.
Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of an area a of the given image img.
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodCreateOverlayCapableCopy
Creates a copy of the input image that is guaranteed to be overlay capable. If the input image already is an overlay-capable image, the input image will simply be copied (preserving all overlay information). Otherwise a new image with the overlay flag set will be generated and receive a copy of the input image, but all the overlay bits will be set to zero.
(Defined by Transformations.)
Public Extension MethodCreateOverlayFreeCopy
Creates a copy of the input image that does not have the overlay flag set. If the input image already is a non-overlay image, the input image will simply be copied (preserving the information in bit 0). Otherwise a new image with the overlay bits removed (= set to 0) will be generated and returned.
(Defined by Transformations.)
Public Extension MethodFlatfieldCorrection(Image, Double)Overloaded.
Performs a flat field correction on the imgSrc.
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodFlatfieldCorrection(Image, Image, Double)Overloaded.
Performs a flat field correction on the imgSrc with optional correction of the fix pattern noise.
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodGetPixel
Gets the pixel values of all planes at the given position.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInit(Double)Overloaded.
Initialize the planes of this image to a value.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInit(Double)Overloaded.
Initialize the planes of this image to different values.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInit(Rect, Double)Overloaded.
Initialize the planes of this image to a value.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInit(Rect, Double)Overloaded.
Initialize the planes of this image to different values.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodInversePolarTransform(Angle, Double)Overloaded.
Create an inverse polar transformed image (i.e. transform an unwrapped image back into a ring structure).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodInversePolarTransform(Point2Dd, Angle, Double, Image)Overloaded.
Calculates an inverse polar transformed image (i.e. transform an unwrapped image back into a ring structure).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodIsSpecial
Gets whether this image should be displayed via ToBitmap.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLinearTransform
Creates a linear transformation (matrix transformation).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodMapTo8BitOverloaded.
Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range, using collective normalization.
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodMapTo8Bit(Boolean)Overloaded.
Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range.
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodNormalizeMeanVariance
Normalize an input image using mean/variance normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched modified to generate a histogram as close as possible to the input target mean and variance values).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodNormalizeMinMax
Normalize an input image using min/max normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched or compressed to fit the input target minimum and maximum values).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodPolarTransform(Point2Dd, Double, Double)Overloaded.
Create a polar transformation (i.e. unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodPolarTransform(Point2Dd, Double, Double, Angle, Angle)Overloaded.
Create a polar transformation (i.e. unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).
(Defined by Process.)
Public Extension MethodSubImage(Area2D)Overloaded.
Extract the content of an aoi (area of interest) into a new image using linear interpolation.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSubImage(Area2D, Interpolation)Overloaded.
Extract the content of an aoi (area of interest) into a new image.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmapOverloaded.
Convert this Image into a Bitmap of identical size and convert data with bit depth higher than 8 via Global scaling.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmap(HighBitScaleMode)Overloaded.
Convert this Image into a Bitmap of identical size.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmap(Int32, Int32, HighBitScaleMode)Overloaded.
Convert this Image into a Bitmap of selectable size.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmap(Int32, Int32, PixelFormat, Rect, PlaneConfiguration, Double, Int32, HighBitScaleMode)Overloaded.
Create a Bitmap from this CVB image.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmapSourceOverloaded.
Convert this Cvb image into a bmData source of identical size, using default conversion for high bit images.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmapSource(HighBitScaleMode)Overloaded.
Convert this Cvb image into a bmData source of identical size.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmapSource(Int32, Int32, HighBitScaleMode)Overloaded.
Convert this Cvb image into a bmData of selectable size.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBitmapSource(Int32, Int32, Rect, PlaneConfiguration, Double, Int32, HighBitScaleMode)Overloaded.
Create a BitmapSource from this CVB image.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToPixelBufferTPixel
Create a byte buffer with the serialized image pixel data.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodICloneableClone
Creates a new Image object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from Image.)

This image points to the image data that is currently processed. It is not necessary the newest acquired image. It points to the image buffer that is returned due to the last grab synchronization method (i.e. Wait method).

Use this image only in the same thread context in which you grab handling occurs. The object will stay the same, but the underlying buffer changes when the synchronization method returns successfully. If you need the image in a parallel context copy the image (Copy)

See Also
