HighBitScaleMode Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Defines the mode that is being used for scaling high bit images (more than 8 bits per pixel) to an 8 bit display.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb (in Stemmer.Cvb.dll) Version:

public enum HighBitScaleMode

  Member nameValueDescription
Default-1 Default treatment applies the mode Global to 8 bit images and the mode ViewPort otherwise.
Global0 Apply global scaling (i.e. use the global maximum and minimum value of the source data type to scale to 8 bits). This mode cannot be used on images with floating point valued pixels; if an image with floating point pixels is encountered, the ViewPort mode will be used instead.
ViewPort1 Scale according to the local view port: The view port is being searched for the minimum and maximum pixel value, and the pixel values that are currently visible (i.e. inside the view port) will be scaled to the full range of 0...255.
WrapAround2 Display images with > 8 bits per pixel by limiting the display to the lowest 8 bits. This is not a particularly beautiful display mode for high bit images because it will show extreme contrasts where that 8 bit wrap around happens, but it used to be the only display mode in the CVB display.
See Also
