IAcquisition Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The IAcquisition type exposes the following members.


Public methodAbort
Stops the acquisition of images immediately.
Public methodGetSnapshot
Acquires a single image and returns it.
Public methodGetTimedSnapshot(UsTimeSpan)
Acquires a single image and returns it.
Public methodGetTimedSnapshot(UsTimeSpan, WaitStatus)
Acquires a single image and returns it.
Public methodStart
Starts the acquisition of images.
Public methodStop
Stops the acquisition of images.
Public methodTryAbort
Tries to stop the acquisition of images immediately.
Public methodTryStop
Tries to stop the acquisition of images.
Public methodWait
Waits infinitely for the next acquired image and returns it.
Public methodWait(WaitStatus)
Waits infinitely for the next acquired image and returns it.
Public methodWaitFor(UsTimeSpan)
Waits for the given timeSpan for the next acquired image.
Public methodWaitFor(UsTimeSpan, WaitStatus)
Waits for the given timeSpan for the next acquired image.
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodGetSnapshotAsync
Acquires a single image and returns it.
(Defined by AcquisitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetTimedSnapshotAsync
Acquires a single image and returns it.
(Defined by AcquisitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitAsync
Waits infinitely for the next acquired image and returns it.
(Defined by AcquisitionExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWaitForAsync
Waits for the given timeSpan for the next acquired image.
(Defined by AcquisitionExtensions.)
See Also
