IAcquisitionWait Method (WaitStatus)

CVB.Net Documentation
Waits infinitely for the next acquired image and returns it.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Driver
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb (in Stemmer.Cvb.dll) Version:

StreamImage Wait(
	out WaitStatus status


Type: Stemmer.Cvb.DriverWaitStatus
Variable to receive the status of this operation.

Return Value

Type: StreamImage
Grabbed image.

Attention: it is generally not safe to call the wait method from different threads on the same object!

Dispose the returned Image when not needed anymore!

By default the returned image content is only guaranteed to stay unchanged until the next call to this method; afterwards the returned image is normally disposed. Thus it is normally not save to use this image in a display.

The returned image is not necessary the newest. If more images where acquired since the last call to this method, the content is the oldest not collected image buffer by default.

This method does not throw an exception when the operation was Aborted; it will report this in the status with Abort. Other exceptions still might get thrown on error conditions.

See Also
