Python API

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Python API



The CVBpy API (refer also the API guide chapter) is a new object oriented Python wrapper for the CVB SDK.

It has been designed on top of the CVB++ wrapper and alongside the CVB.Net.

The currently supported Python versions are:

Python 3.5 on Windows

Python 3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04

The CVBpy wrapper is especially useful for testing acquisition and custom algorithms.

As python does not offer an efficient mechanism for pixel access by default, CVBpy interfaces with NumPy if available.


Refer also the Introduction chapter.


GetInformation_16x16 Find tutorials in %cvb%Tutorial (Windows) and /opt/cvb/tutorial (Linux) directory.



Minimum required versions of Qt

Follow the instructions of the Getting started with CVB tutorials



CVBpy Reference


Namespace List


Namespace Members


Class Index


Class Hierarchy