USB3 Vision FAQ

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USB3 Vision FAQ



What is the difference between USB3 and USB3Vision?


USB3 Vision is a machine vision standard, maintained by the AIA (Automated Imaging Association), designed to control machine vision devices (cameras) and to transfer their data (images) as effectively as possible across USB3.0 interfaces.


What about CVB, USB3 and USB3 Vision?


CVB supports every “USB3 Vision” camera, as it implements the USB3 Vision standard, please note that “Vision” is important, as there are USB3 cameras on the market which do not follow the standard

is not a USB3 Vision camera - the driver will not work with this camera and you have to use the extra drivers for the camera (e.g. CVB IDS Driver for IDS USB cameras).


Is there a reference implementation for USB3 Vision?


No, there is no reference implementation. The standard is available only as a PDF Document.


Can CVB with Sherlock support USB3.0 Vision Cameras?


Yes, because Sherlock can be used with any image source supported by CVB it will also support USB3 Vison cameras.