Windows with CMake

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Windows with CMake

1From the Windows Start menu start the CMake GUI. For the source directory select
%CVB%Tutorial/Image Manager/Cvb++/QtStatisticsDisplay
and for the build directory select
%CVB%Tutorial/Image Manager/Cvb++/QtStatisticsDisplay/build

Run the tutorial in bin subfolder

%CVB%Tutorial/Image Manager/Cvb++/QtStatisticsDisplay/bin



2Click the Configure button and select your Visual Studio version and your desired platform (default is Win32).
The configuration takes a while to be finalized and no error should be reported.

Click the Finish button and the configuration will start and present the results:


The warning "setting up CVB Qt bridge for UI components - do not forget to link CVB::CvbUI" is not an error and can be ignored.




3Now click the Generate button. This will generate a couple of Visual Studio solutions in the build directory:

4Load the QtStatisticsDisplay.sln solution file in Visual Studio and execute a Build Solution command:

5Finally execute the sample:

Choose QtStatisticsDisplay as StartUp Project.



Then start the application.



The result should look like this after a first snap:



Congratulations. You have built and ran your first Common Vision Blox sample using Qt. The code of the sample can be compiled under different operating systems as well as on different projects.
Repeat the steps for the other samples. It is not too difficult.