Linux (Ubuntu) with CMake

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Linux (Ubuntu) with CMake

1Copy the tutorial folder to your home folder to compile the tutorials with access rights:
- E.g. mkdir ~/CVB
- cp -r /opt/cvb/tutorial ~/CVB


2Create a build directory in the path of the tutorial (mkdir bin), if it does not exist yet, and change to build directory with cd bin.


3Run cmake to generate the Makefile: cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/Qt/5.13.0/gcc_64 ../

4Run make to generate the binary file: make

5Execute the sample with ./QtStatisticsDisplay


Congratulations. You have built and ran your first Common Vision Blox sample using Qt. The code of the sample can be compiled under different operating systems as well as on different projects.
Repeat the steps for the other samples. It is not too difficult.