1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 #include <iostream>
8 #include <cvb/driver/stream.hpp>
9 #include <cvb/device_factory.hpp>
11 #include <cvb/spectral/spectral.hpp>
12 #include <cvb/spectral/cube.hpp>
13 #include <cvb/spectral/wrapped_cube.hpp>
15 // Get Images
16 std::vector<Cvb::ImagePtr> GrabImageVec(Cvb::String driverPath, int numImg)
17 {
19  imgVec.reserve(numImg);
20  // open a device
21  driverPath = Cvb::ExpandPath(driverPath);
22  auto device = Cvb::DeviceFactory::Open(driverPath, Cvb::AcquisitionStack::Vin);
24  auto stream = device->Stream();
25  stream->RingBuffer()->ChangeCount(numImg, Cvb::DeviceUpdateMode::NewDeviceImage);
26  // start the stream - start the acquisition
27  stream->Start();
29  for (int i = 0; i < numImg; ++i)
30  {
31  Cvb::WaitStatus res;
32  Cvb::ImagePtr img = stream->WaitFor(std::chrono::seconds(10), res);
33  if (res == Cvb::WaitStatus::Timeout)
34  throw std::runtime_error("acquisition timeout");
35  if( i % 10 == 0)
36  std::cout << ".";
37  imgVec.push_back(img);
38  }
39  // synchronously stop the stream
40  stream->Stop();
41  return imgVec;
42 }
45 int main()
46 {
47  try
48  {
49  // Create cube from stack of images
50  int numberOfImages = 100;
51  Cvb::String vinDriverPath(Cvb::ExpandPath(Cvb::InstallPath() + CVB_LIT("drivers/GenICam.vin")));
52  std::cout << "Start acquiring " << numberOfImages << " images from:\n\t" << vinDriverPath << std::endl;
53  std::vector<Cvb::ImagePtr> imgVec = GrabImageVec(vinDriverPath, numberOfImages);
57  // .. MetaData
58  auto metaData = stackedCube->MetaData();
59  int bandsOut = metaData->ReadField<int>(Cvb::Spectral::FieldID::Bands);
60  // Some imaginary wavelengths
61  std::vector<double> wavelengths(bandsOut);
62  for (int i = 0; i < bandsOut; ++i)
63  wavelengths.at(i) = 400 + i;
64  metaData->WriteField<std::vector<double>>(Cvb::Spectral::FieldID::Wavelength, wavelengths);
66  Cvb::String enviHeaderFile(Cvb::ExpandPath(CVB_LIT("StackedCube.hdr")));
67  Cvb::String enviBinaryFile(Cvb::ExpandPath(CVB_LIT("StackedCube.bin")));
68  stackedCube->Save(enviHeaderFile, enviBinaryFile);
69  std::cout << "\nSaved Cube to file:\n\t"
70  << enviHeaderFile << "\n\t"
71  << enviBinaryFile << std::endl;
72  }
73  catch (const std::exception& error)
74  {
75  std::cout << error.what() << std::endl;
76  }
77 }
Status after waiting for an image to be returned.
Definition: global.hpp:350
The number of bands.
static std::unique_ptr< Cube > FromImages(const std::vector< ImagePtr > &images, CubeEncoding bufferLayout)
Initializes a stacked cube using an array of images.
Definition: cube.hpp:106
Array of wavelengths with the unit given in FieldID::WavelengthUnit.
STL class.
STL class.
STL class.
static std::shared_ptr< T > Open(const String &provider, AcquisitionStack acquisitionStack=AcquisitionStack::PreferVin)
Opens a device with the given provider with its default board and port (if applicable).
Definition: decl_device_factory.hpp:50
A timeout occurred, no image buffer has been returned.