Managment Console - Node Locked and Trial Licenses

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Managment Console - Node Locked and Trial Licenses


Node Locked licenses are licenses that are bound to the hardware of the computer on which they are being activated.

In other words: The computer assumes the role of the dongle that supplies the Common Vision Blox License.

Node Locked licenses typically do not expire and have a Common Vision Blox serial number in the range of 300,000 and higher.

Like dongle-bound licenses, Node Locked licenses need to be purchased.


Trial licenses are in principle identical to Node Locked licenses, however they always have a limited usage period of typically 30 days and a fixed Common Vision Blox serial number (999) and they are provided free of charge for the purpose of evaluating Common Vision Blox. It is not permitted to use Trial licenses for a production environment and development.


Acquiring and Activating a Node Locked license or a Trial license follows the same routine:
Simply press the appropriate button on the Node Locked page of the Common Vision Blox Management Console.



Then give your contact details (and, if you are requesting a regular Node Locked license, the order code of the product order to which this license refers):




Please save the request file (extension *.WiBuCmRaC) to disc and E-Mail it to

In return you will receive the license activation data (in a file with the extension *.WiBuCmRaU) – during work days typically within 24 hours).

Once you have the activation data, return to the “Node Locked” page of the Common Vision Blox Management Console and press the “Enter License Activation” button to activate your new license for Common Vision Blox.



Please note that orders for regular Node Locked licenses may no longer be cancelled once the license activation has been sent to you.


Both Node Locked licenses and Trial licenses will be bound to hardware characteristics on which the license is being activated.

These hardware characteristics will be selected automatically (BIOS, CPU, hard disc and Network card) upon generation of the request and the license will remain intact as long as no more than two of these characteristics change on your system.