ClassifierFactoryCreateRotationInvariant Method

CVB.Net Documentation
Generate a rotation symmetric classifier from the input classifier. Rotation symmetric in this context means that the resulting classifier will be able to identify the trained object in more than just the trained orientation (range that can be covered is controlled by the startAngle and stopAngle parameters). The angular sensitivity and the capability to report the found angle are controlled view the numLayers and the rotationsPerLayer parameter. For example it is possible to put all the rotations into just one layer (numLayers = 1, rotationsPerLayer = 255) so that the classifier will be able to correctly identify the object but not its orientation. The other extreme would be to have one rotation per layer, so that the layer information from the search function directly corresponds to orientation. Note that ShapeFinder (1) has very limited angular resolution - if you are interested in detecting orientation with a high degree of accuracy, consider using ShapeFinder2. Note that the product of numLayers and rotationsPerLayer should not become too high, otherwise the classifier will become fairly big and slow to process.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinder
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinder (in Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinder.dll) Version:

public static Classifier CreateRotationInvariant(
	Classifier source,
	Angle startAngle,
	Angle stopAngle,
	int numLayers,
	int rotationsPerLayer


Type: Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinderClassifier
classifier to generate the rotation symmetric classifier from
Type: Stemmer.CvbAngle
rotation start angle in radians; must be within the range [-pi...pi] and less than or equal to stopAngle
Type: Stemmer.CvbAngle
rotation stop angle in radians; must be within the range [-pi...pi] and greater or equal to startAngle
Type: SystemInt32
number of layers to generate for the orientation; layers will be used for identifying the orientation of the object in the result feedback of the search functions
Type: SystemInt32
number of rotational states to be added per layer; decides over the angular resolution (which will never be better than roughly 1.4 degrees!)

Return Value

Type: Classifier
newly created rotation invariant classifier

ArgumentNullExceptionIf source is null
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionIf startAngle or stopAngle exceeds the range [-pi...pi] or if startAngle is greater than stopAngle or if numLayers or rotationsPerLayer are less than 1
See Also
