EdgeSearchMode Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Determines the algorithm for finding an edge.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation (in Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.dll) Version:

public enum EdgeSearchMode

  Member nameValueDescription
Intensity0 Find edges based on absolute intensities in the image. In this mode, the edge quality directly corresponds to the difference in intensity across the edge.
IntensitySubPixel1 Like Intensity, but with sub pixel accuracy.
Contrast2 Find edges based on the contrasts in the image (1st derivative of the gray values).
ContrastSubPixel3 Like Contrast, but with sub pixel accuracy.
SecondDerivativeSubPixel4 Find edges based on the 2nd derivative of the intensities with sub pixel accuracy. Note that in this mode edge qualities are usually much lower than 10.
See Also
