Image Constructor

CVB.Net Documentation
Overload List

Protected methodImage(IntPtr)
Creates a Image object around a native handle.
Public methodImage(Size2D)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given size.
Public methodImage(Int32, Int32)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given width and height.
Public methodImage(Size2D, Int32)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given size and numPlanes.
Public methodImage(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given width and height, numPlanes infos.
Protected methodImage(IntPtr, ShareObject, UseMemoryPressure)
Creates a Image object around a native handle and guesses the memory pressure if useMemoryPressure indicates that.
Protected methodImage(IntPtr, ShareObject, Int64)
Creates a Image object around a native handle with the given memoryPressure.
Public methodImage(Size2D, Int32, DataType)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given size and numPlanes.
Public methodImage(Int32, Int32, Int32, DataType)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given width and height, numPlanes infos.
Public methodImage(Size2D, Int32, PixelDataType, Int32)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given size and numPlanes.
Public methodImage(Int32, Int32, Int32, PixelDataType, Int32)
Creates an uninitialized image with the given width and height, numPlanes infos.
See Also
