NodeMapNames Class

CVB.Net Documentation
Contains all known node map names.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Driver
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb (in Stemmer.Cvb.dll) Version:

public static class NodeMapNames

The NodeMapNames type exposes the following members.


Public fieldStatic memberDataStream
The name of the node map that gives access to the GenTL streaming interface (grab/acquisition).
Public fieldStatic memberDevice
The name of the node map that represents the remote device, i.e. camera.
Public fieldStatic memberFactory
The name of the node map that gives access to CVB's GenTL enumeration.
Public fieldStatic memberInterface
The name of the node map that gives access to the GenTL interface (e.g. the NIC) of the currently opened device.
Public fieldStatic memberSystem
The name of the node map that gives access to the GenTL system (the TL itself) of the currently opened device.
Public fieldStatic memberTLDevice
The name of the node map that gives access to the GenTL's side of the device (the proxy).
See Also
