TrainingSet Class

CVB.Net Documentation
A Minos Training Set from which a classifier can be generated.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Minos
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Minos (in Stemmer.Cvb.Minos.dll) Version:

public class TrainingSet : INativeHandle, 

The TrainingSet type exposes the following members.


Public methodTrainingSet
Create an empty training set.
Public methodTrainingSet(Byte)
Recreate a serialized Minos Training Set from a byte array.
Public methodTrainingSet(String)
Load a saved training set from a file.
Public methodTrainingSet(Byte, Int32, Int32)
Recreate a serialized Minos training set from a byte array.

Public propertyClassCount
The number of identifiable classes inside this training set.
Public propertyComment
Comment assigned to the training set.
Public propertyCorrelationThreshold
Correlation threshold is the correlation value below which Minos will suggest the generation of a new model rather over the generation of a new instance of an existing model with which the new instance correlates poorly.
Public propertyExpectationRadius
Expectation radius is the radius that is searched for the best occurrence of a sample when adding a new sample to the training set.
Public propertyExtent
Extent of the classes in the training set relative to the anchor point.
Public propertyFileName
Name of the file from which this image list was loaded (string.Empty if this image list was neither loaded nor saved since its construction).
Public propertyHandle
Native Minos training set handle.
Public propertyImages
The images contained in this training set.
Public propertyInstances
The instances contained in this training set.
Public propertyInstancesTotal
Total number of instances currently trained in this training set.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Tests if the native handle has already been disposed.
Public propertyIsModified
Get or sets a flag that informs about unsaved modifications to the training set. Saving the training set will set this flag to false.
Public propertyLastFeatureWindow
Feature window of the last model that has been created for the training set.
Public propertyModels
The models contained in this training set.

Public methodCheckConsistency
Test all images in the parent training set for instances of this model that might have been forgotten during the training process.
Public methodDispose
Dispose function to get rid of resources allocated by this object.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
IDispose helper function.
Public methodEquals
Check two TrainingSet objects for equality.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Protected methodFinalize
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Retrieve a hash code for this object.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnImageAdded
Event router for the ImageAdded event.
Protected methodOnImageRemoved
Event router for the ImageRemoved event.
Protected methodOnInstanceAdded
Event router for the InstanceAdded event.
Protected methodOnInstanceRemoved
Event router for the InstanceRemoved event.
Protected methodOnModelAdded
Event router for the ModelAdded event.
Protected methodOnModelRemoved
Event router for the ModelRemoved event.
Public methodSave
Write the training set to a file.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
Generate a new training set by transforming this training set with a 2x2 transformation matrix.

Public eventConsistencyCheckProgress
This event will be used for indicating progress of consistency checks triggered by a call to CheckConsistency(Double, Double).
Public eventImageAdded
Event that will be raised when a new image has been added to the training set.
Public eventImageRemoved
Event that will be raised when an image has been removed from the training set. Note that removing an image usually also means that a number of instances (the instances that were marked on the removed image) have been removed as well, but the if the reason for the removal of these instances was the removal of an image, there will be no notification event for the implicitly removed instances. Likewise, the removal of an image may also trigger the removal of a model. Again, there will be no separate notification about this if the reason was the removal of an image. This means that to be on the safe side, it usually makes sense to update the model and instance views as well, if an image has been removed.
Public eventInstanceAdded
Event that will be raised when a new model has been added to the training set.
Public eventInstanceRemoved
Event that will be raised when an image has been removed from the training set. Note that removing an image usually also means that a number of instances (the instances that were marked on the removed image) have been removed as well, but the if the reason for the removal of these instances was the removal of an image, there will be no notification event for the implicitly removed instances. Likewise, the removal of an image may also trigger the removal of a model. Again, there will be no separate notification about this if the reason was the removal of an image. This means that to be on the safe side, it usually makes sense to update the model and instance views as well, if an image has been removed.
Public eventModelAdded
Event that will be raised when a new model has been added to the training set.
Public eventModelRemoved
Event that will be raised when an image has been removed from the training set. Note that removing an image usually also means that a number of instances (the instances that were marked on the removed image) have been removed as well, but the if the reason for the removal of these instances was the removal of an image, there will be no notification event for the implicitly removed instances. Likewise, the removal of an image may also trigger the removal of a model. Again, there will be no separate notification about this if the reason was the removal of an image. This means that to be on the safe side, it usually makes sense to update the model and instance views as well, if an image has been removed.
Public eventObjectDisposing
Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the Dispose method.
See Also
