GevServerUserVersion Property

CVB.Net Documentation
Gets or sets the user defined version that is appended to the device version.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer (in Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer.dll) Version:

public string UserVersion { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: String

This property is mandatory as soon as you change anything about the GenApi nodes! As the GenApi XML description is auto-generated the client needs a way to distinguish between different GevServer instances with differing feature sets.

If you change anything about the GenApi nodes on certain user version, you must increase the XmlFileVersion.

This version information is appended to the CVGevServer version. The available memory for the overall information is limited by the GigE Vision standard to 32 bytes which results in up to 31 ASCII characters text (actual encoding is UTF-8) as strings must be nul-terminated. Longer version information is silently cropped!

See Also
