StreamInfo Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Queryable information.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Driver
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb (in Stemmer.Cvb.dll) Version:

public enum StreamInfo

  Member nameValueDescription
IsCameraDetected8 Gets whether a camera is currently detected.
NumBuffersAcquired0 The number of images buffers acquired since start of the last acquisition.
NumBuffersDelivered11 Number of image buffers successfully returned by the stream's wait method.
NumBuffersLost14 Count that incorporates all lost image buffers despite their reason. Can be transfer, corruption, or overflown ring buffer.
NumBuffersLostTransfer1 Count that only contains lost images during transfer.
NumBuffersLostLocked2 Count that only contains lost images due to ring buffer overflow.
NumBuffersLocked3 Number of images currently in locked state.
NumBuffersPending4 Number of images acquired, but not retrieved via the stream's wait method.
NumBuffersCorruptOnArrival12 Count that contains erroneous image buffer acquisition.
NumBuffersCorruptOnDelivery13 Count that contains erroneous image buffers delivered via the stream's wait method.
NumTriggersLost7 Gets how many trigger signals where ignored by the device due to e.g. over-triggering.
NumBuffersAnnounced18 Number of buffers used in the acquisition engine.
NumBuffersQueued17 Number of buffers available to be filled by the acquisition engine. I.e. image buffers that are not locked.
NumBuffersBeingFilled19 Number of buffer currently being filled by the acquisition engine.
NumPacketsReceived20 For packet based protocols this contains the actual number of packets received (parts of a whole image buffer).
NumResends21 Number of resend requests sent since start of the last acquisition.

Attention: All streams only provide a sub-set of the available queries. So always make sure that the information is available when switching devices/drivers.
See Also
