Rect Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The Rect type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCeiling
Converts the given rect to a Rect structure by rounding the values of the RectD structure to the next higher integer number.
Public methodContains(Point2D)
Check if a point is located inside this Rect.
Public methodContains(Point2Dd)
Check if a point is located inside this Rect.
Public methodContains(Int32, Int32)
Determines if the specified point is contained with this Rect.
Public methodContains(Point2Dd, Double)
Check if a point is located inside this Rect.
Public methodStatic memberCropExtent
Assuming that a Rect structure contains the extent of something relative to a position inside an image, this function crops the Rect so that the whole content is inside the image.
Public methodEquals
Tests whether obj is a Rect structure with the same/ location and size as this Rect structure.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodStatic memberFromLTRB
Creates a Rect structure with the specified edge locations.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this Rect.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIntersect(Rect)
Replaces this rectangle with the intersection of itself and the specified rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberIntersect(Rect, Rect)
Returns a Rect structure that represents the intersection of the two input rectangles. If there is no intersection, an empty Rect is returned.
Public methodIntersectsWith
Test if this rectangle intersects with rect.
Public methodStatic memberRound
Converts the given rect to a Rect structure by rounding the values of the RectD structure mathematically.
Public methodToString
String conversion.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
Public methodStatic memberTruncate
Converts the given rect to a Rect structure by rounding the values of the RectD structure to the next lower integer number.
Public methodStatic memberTruncateCeiling
Converts the given rect to a Rect structure by truncating Left and Top and rounding Right and Bottom to the next higher integer number.
Public methodStatic memberUnion
Gets a Rect structure that contains the union of two Rect structures.
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodContains
Check if a point is located inside this Rect.
(Defined by RectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToRectangle
Convert a Rect to a Rectangle.
(Defined by ImageExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToWindowsRect
Creates a Rect from this rectangle.
(Defined by RectExtensions.)
See Also
