ClassifierSearchAll Method (Image, Rect, Boolean, Double, Int32, Int32)

CVB.Net Documentation
Search for all occurrences of a known class in an image.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Manto
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Manto (in Stemmer.Cvb.Manto.dll) Version:

public SearchResult[] SearchAll(
	Image image,
	Rect aoi,
	bool useVote,
	double minConfidence,
	int locality,
	int granularity


Type: Stemmer.CvbImage
image in which to search
Type: Stemmer.CvbRect
region of the image in which to search
Type: SystemBoolean
switch voting on or off (voting is a parameter that can allow for more precise class assignment when set to true, but setting voting to true will significantly increase the processing time)
Type: SystemDouble
minimum confidence for the results to be reported; must not exceed the range [0...1]
Type: SystemInt32
separation of the search results in pixels (no two results should be closer to each other than the distance specified here)
Type: SystemInt32
the granularity parameter may be used to simulate a shorter or longer preprocessing code, making the grid of points to be calculated for classification denser or thinner; -1 indicates that the default value should be used; note that the granularity parameter can have a huge impact on processing time - it is generally not recommended to use parameters other than -1

Return Value

Type: SearchResult
list of found results; might be empty if nothing was found, null if the search call failed

ObjectDisposedExceptionIf this classifier or the image has already been disposed
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionIf the minConfidence parameter exceeds the range [0..1]
ArgumentExceptionIf the image is incompatible with the classifier or the aoi cannot hold one of the classifier's classes.
See Also
