Blob Class

CVB.Net Documentation
Blob search and binarization methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation (in Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.dll) Version:

public static class Blob

The Blob type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearch(ImagePlane, ValueRangeInt32, BlobFilter)
Searches for all blobs in the given plane satisfying the given filter.
Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearch(ImagePlane, Int32, Int32, BlobFilter)
Searches for all blobs in the given plane satisfying the given filter.
Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearchAll(ImagePlane, ValueRangeInt32)
Searches for all blobs in the given image plane.
Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearchAll(ImagePlane, Int32, Int32)
Searches for all blobs in the given image plane.
Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearchAllIn(ImagePlane, Rect, ValueRangeInt32)
Searches for all blobs in the given image plane's aoi.
Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearchAllIn(ImagePlane, Rect, Int32, Int32)
Searches for all blobs in the given image plane's aoi.
Public methodStatic memberBinarizeAndSearchIn
Searches for all blobs in the given plane's aoi satisfying the given filter.
Public methodStatic memberSearch
Searches for all blobs in the given binarizedImage satisfying the given filter.
Public methodStatic memberSearchAll
Searches for all blobs in the given binarizedImage.
See Also
