Process Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The Process type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAffineTransform(Image, AffineMatrix2D)
Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of the whole image img.
Public methodStatic memberAffineTransform(Image, AffineMatrix2D, Area2D)
Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of an area a of the given image img.
Public methodStatic memberDifferenceMap
Creates a difference map of the given range maps.
Public methodStatic memberFlatfieldCorrection(Image, Image, Double)
Performs a flat field correction on the imgSrc.
Public methodStatic memberFlatfieldCorrection(Image, Image, Image, Double)
Performs a flat field correction on the imgSrc with optional correction of the fix pattern noise.
Public methodStatic memberInversePolarTransform(Image, Angle, Double)
Create an inverse polar transformed image (i.e. transform an unwrapped image back into a ring structure).
Public methodStatic memberInversePolarTransform(Image, Point2Dd, Angle, Double, Image)
Calculates an inverse polar transformed image (i.e. transform an unwrapped image back into a ring structure).
Public methodStatic memberLinearTransform
Creates a linear transformation (matrix transformation).
Public methodStatic memberMapTo8Bit(Image)
Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range, using collective normalization.
Public methodStatic memberMapTo8Bit(Image, Boolean)
Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range.
Public methodStatic memberNormalizeMeanVariance
Normalize an input image using mean/variance normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched modified to generate a histogram as close as possible to the input target mean and variance values).
Public methodStatic memberNormalizeMinMax
Normalize an input image using min/max normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched or compressed to fit the input target minimum and maximum values).
Public methodStatic memberPolarTransform(Image, Point2Dd, Double, Double)
Create a polar transformation (i.e. unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).
Public methodStatic memberPolarTransform(Image, Point2Dd, Double, Double, Angle, Angle)
Create a polar transformation (i.e. unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).
See Also
