StreamTrySend Method (Image, Action)

CVB.Net Documentation
Tries to send the given image to the remote client.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer (in Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer.dll) Version:

public bool TrySend(
	Image image,
	Action imageReleased = null


Type: Stemmer.CvbImage
Image to be sent.
imageReleased (Optional)
Type: SystemAction
Delegate to be called when the given image is not needed anymore for packet resend. If the image will be copied to the resend buffer.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true if successfully sent; false on any error. Parameter errors and disposed exception will still be thrown.

The given image must fit into the payload size set at creation/Configuration state.

If packet resend is enabled (ResendBuffersCount larger than zero), then the given image must remain unchanged until imageReleased has been called! In case packet resend is disabled imageReleased will be called immediately.

See Also
