RgbConversion Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Available conversion modes from Bayer patterns to RGB images.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation (in Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.dll) Version:

public enum RgbConversion

  Member nameValueDescription
Linear1 This method offers the highest accuracy but also the slowest speed. Interpolation of the nearest pixels is used to calculate the two unknown color values for each position. Depending on the position of the pixel either two or four pixels are used for the interpolation. In this mode full spatial resolution is maintained.
NearestNeighbor2 This method offers the fastest speed for a full resolution image, but the color accuracy is not as high as the Linear method. The color from a neighbor pixel is used for the two unknown color values. This makes the conversion faster because there is no need for interpolation. In this method full spatial resolution is maintained.
HalfResolution3 This method is provided primarily for display. This method creates an RGB image with half the height and half the width of the source image, the color accuracy is the same as the NearestNeighbor method but half the spacial accuracy is lost. If the user needs a fast display for focusing or setup of the camera, then this method will allow higher frame rates on a suitable PC.
See Also
