ClassifierFactory Properties

CVB.Net Documentation

The ClassifierFactory type exposes the following members.


Public propertyContrastThreshold
Minimum contrast a feature must have to enter into the classifier.
Public propertyFeatureCount
Minimum number of features the result classifier should have
Public propertyMaxCoarseLayerScale
Maximum exponent of the scale factor between the coarse layer (used for feature search) and the image. The scale factor is determined by 2^scale, e.g. for MaxCoarseLayerScale = 3, the scale factor is 2^3 = 8. When set to -1 (default) the coarse layer scale will be determined automatically by ShapeFinder2 depending on the image size and number features that were extracted.
Public propertyProfileDelta
Distance (in pixels) between adjacent profile points. This value only has an effect if the ProfileSize property is > 1.
Public propertyProfileSize
Profile size gives the number of profile points to be used for correlation around each feature. With the default value of 1, only the feature locations will be used for the optional correlation steps during a ShapeFinder2 search. When set to values > 1 a number of additional points on a line perpendicular to the edge through the feature will be used. Only odd values are valid here. The spacing of the additional points is controlled by the ProfileDelta property.
Public propertyRotationRange
Range of rotations that the classifier should be able to cover. Bigger ranges will cause higher processing time.
Public propertyScaleRange
Range of rotations that the classifier should be able to cover. Bigger ranges will cause higher processing time. Angles are measured in degrees.
See Also
