ImagePlane Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The ImagePlane type exposes the following members.


Public methodCopyTo(ImagePlane)
Copies the image data from this plane to the targetPlane.
Public methodCopyTo(ImagePlane, Rect, Point2D)
Copies the image data from the sourceRect of this plane to the targetPlanetargetPosition.
Public methodEquals
Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetAllPixelsIn(Area2D)
Gets an enumerator to enumerate all pixel values of this plane in the given aoi.
Public methodGetAllPixelsIn(Rect)
Gets an enumerator to enumerate all pixel values of this plane in the given aoi.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodGetLinearAccess
Gets linear access to the plane's pixels.
Public methodGetLinearAccessT
Gets typed linear access to the plane's pixels.
Public methodGetLockedAccess
Gets thread-locked access to the image data.
Public methodGetPixel(Point2D)
Gets the pixel value at the given position.
Public methodGetPixel(Int32, Int32)
Gets the pixel value at the given position.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVPATAccessT
Gets typed VPAT access to the plane's pixels.
Public methodInitialize(Double)
Initialize this plane to a specific value.
Public methodInitialize(Area2D, Double)
Initialize an area of an image to a specific value.
Public methodMap
Create a map from a single image plane that shares its memory with the original plane.
Public methodToString
Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType.)
Public methodTryGetLinearAccess(LinearAccessData)
Attempt a linear access on the plane's pixels.
Public methodTryGetLinearAccessT(LinearAccessDataT)
Attempt a typed linear access on the plane's pixels.
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodFindLocalMaxima(Int32, Double)Overloaded.
Find local maxima in the input image plane.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodFindLocalMaxima(Int32, Double, Rect)Overloaded.
Find local maxima in the input image plane.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodFindLocalMaxima(Int32, Double, SubPixelMode, Neighborhood)Overloaded.
Find sub pixel accurate local maxima in the input image plane. Sub pixel accuracy is achieved by assuming a Gaussian or parabolic gray value distribution around a local maximum that can be fitted into the image data.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodFindLocalMaxima(Int32, Double, Rect, SubPixelMode, Neighborhood)Overloaded.
Find sub pixel accurate local maxima in the input image plane. Sub pixel accuracy is achieved by assuming a Gaussian or parabolic gray value distribution around a local maximum that can be fitted into the image data.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodHistogramOverloaded.
Gather and return the histogram from an 8 bits per pixel unsigned image plane.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodHistogram(Double)Overloaded.
Gather and return the histogram from an 8 bits per pixel unsigned image plane.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodHistogram(Area2D)Overloaded.
Gather and return the histogram from an 8 bits per pixel unsigned image plane.
(Defined by Analyze.)
Public Extension MethodHistogram(Area2D, Double)Overloaded.
Gather and return the histogram from an 8 bits per pixel unsigned image plane.
(Defined by Analyze.)
See Also
