DecodeResult Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Possible barcode reading results.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode (in Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode.dll) Version:

public enum DecodeResult

  Member nameValueDescription
Success0 Code was successfully read.
NothingFound1 No code was found in the area of interest.
SymbologyOnly2 A code symbology was detected in the area of interest but reading the code failed.
WrongCodeSize3 A code symbology was detected and decoded, but the code had an unexpected size that violates the limits of the symbology.
WrongCodeFormat4 A code symbology was detected and decoded, but the code turned out to have the wrong format.
ErrorDetectionFailed5 A code symbology was detected and decoded, but the error detection checks failed.
ColorNotCorrect6 A 2D Pharmacode uses and invalid color bar.
QuietzoneViolation32766 A code symbology was detected and decoded but the code violates the quiet zone requirements.
Error32767 An unspecified error occurred during code reading.
See Also
