Bitwise Class

CVB.Net Documentation
Collection of bit-wise operations on images.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation (in Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.dll) Version:

public static class Bitwise

The Bitwise type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAnd(Image, Image)
Performs a bit-wise AND operation between the pixels of the two input images.
Public methodStatic memberAnd(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise AND operation of the input image with a constant value.
Public methodStatic memberAnd(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise AND operation on the input image with constant values.
Public methodStatic memberDownShift(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise shift the input image with constant a value.
Public methodStatic memberDownShift(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise shift the input image with constant values.
Public methodStatic memberNegate
Performs a bit-wise NOT operation on the pixels of the input image to create the output image.
Public methodStatic memberOr(Image, Image)
Performs a bit-wise OR operation between the pixels of the two input images.
Public methodStatic memberOr(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise OR operation onthe input image with a constant value.
Public methodStatic memberOr(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise OR operation on the input image with constant values.
Public methodStatic memberUpShift(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise shift the input image with constant a value.
Public methodStatic memberUpShift(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise shift the input image with constant values.
Public methodStatic memberXor(Image, Image)
Performs a bit-wise XOR operation between the pixels of the two input images.
Public methodStatic memberXor(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise XOR operation on the input image with constant a value.
Public methodStatic memberXor(Image, Int32)
Bit-wise XOR operation on the input image with constant values.
See Also
