VisualRectToolBaseTResult Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The VisualRectToolBaseTResult generic type exposes the following members.


Protected methodDestroyAndCreatePropertyChanged
Method to be called whenever a property value changed that necessitates a destroy + create in order to reflect the property change on the actual display.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecute
Execute the tool with its current settings. Execution will raise the ResultUpdated event, unless OnResultUpdated(VisualToolEventArgs) has been overridden and modified to not do this. In case you override this method, be aware that this is the method executed every time the VisualToolBase's Result needs to be updated - for example when the tool has been moved. In case an error occurs during calculation, the ExecutionError event will be raised. Execution will happen automatically every time something happens to the VisualToolBase object. If something happens to the image (new image content or new image) execution must be triggered by calling this Execute method.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnClick
Overrideable version of the OnClick event.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOnConnectToDisplay
Establish connection with a new display.
(Inherited from OverlayBase.)
Protected methodOnDisconnectFromDisplay
About to sever the connection between this object and a display...
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOnDrag
Overrideable version of the OnDrag event.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOnDragged
Overrideable version of the OnDragged event.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOnExecute
Override this function to provide the tool's implementation here. If something goes wrong during execution, simply throw an exception in the implementation of this function. This exception will be caught and passed on by means of the ExecutionError event.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOnExecutionError
Routing function that invokes the ExecutionError event. Override this function to react directly to this event in a child class (but don't forget to call
, otherwise the event will not be raised.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOnPaint
Paint the line and the drag handles.
(Overrides UserOverlayOnPaint(UserOverlayPaintEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnResultUpdated
Routing function that invokes the ResultUpdated event. Override this function to react directly to this even in a child class (but don't forget to call
, otherwise the event will not be raised.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOverlay_ConnectedToDisplay
Established a connection with a new display.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Protected methodOverlay_DisconnectedFromDisplay
Remove a label from its display
(Inherited from UserOverlay.)
Protected methodPaintDragHandle(Point, Color, UnmanagedGraphics)
Member version of the PaintDragHandle method that defaults to the currently set drag handle size and style.
(Inherited from VisualToolBaseTResult.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also
