Classifier Properties

CVB.Net Documentation

The Classifier type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAngularTolerance
Acceptance parameter for feature gradient angles. In ShapeFinder the angle of a feature is quantized into the range [0...255], i.e. in steps of roughly 1.41 degrees. When determining whether features extracted from an image match features stored in a classifier, the gradient's angle of the two features is compared not for strict equality, but for whether or not it falls into a certain range of differences. This acceptance window is defined by the Angular tolerance parameter. Valid values range from 0 (always match for identity only) to 16.
Public propertyComment
Comment assigned to the classifier.
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
Public propertyContrastThreshold
Threshold for the gradient slope.
Public propertyFeatureCount
Number of features this classifier contains.
Public propertyFeatureWindow
Feature window of this classifier (i.e. the bounding rectangle into which all the classifier's features fit) relative to the classifier's origin.
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
Public propertyFileName
Name of the file from which this classifier was loaded (string.Empty if this image list was neither loaded nor saved since its construction).
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
Public propertyGradientType
Gradient type this classifier uses for feature extraction.
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
Public propertyHandle
Native ShapeFinder2 classifier handle.
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
Public propertyIsDisposed
Tests if the native handle has already been disposed.
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
Public propertyNumLayers
Number of layers in the classifier (and in the accumulator generated by the search function). In ShapeFinder classifiers layers may be associated with specific classes or rotation information. In ShapeFinder2 the layer count is a purely informational value.
(Inherited from ClassifierObject.)
See Also
