Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Converters Namespace

CVB.Net Documentation
The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Converters contains controls for use in Bindings in WPF applications.

Public classBoolInversionConverter
Converter that inverts a boolean value.
Public classBoolToVisibilityConverter
Converter that takes a bool value and translates it into a visibility.
Public classComparisonToVisibilityConverter
Converter that takes a bool value and translates it into a visibility.
Public classGlowConverter
Converter that converts a brush into a slightly brighter and more transparent version of itself.
Public classMathConverter
Converts the binding values according to the mathematical expression in the parameter.
Public classNoEmptyStringConverter
Converter that inverts a boolean value.
Public classProductConverter
Converter that builds the product of an arbitrary number of input values or over an input value and a constant.
Public classTernaryEqualityCheckConverter
Compares the binding values 1 and 2. If both are equal (or not equal, depending on the parameter value...) then value 3 is returned, otherwise value 4 is returned. Any value beyond 4 will be ignored.
Public classThicknessComposeConverter
Composes a Thickness value from 1 or more input values, potentially doing calculations on them as defined by the converter parameter.

Public enumerationBoolToVisibilityConversion
The different conversion modes supported by this converter.
Public enumerationTernaryEqualityCheck
Operation logic for the TernaryEqualityCheckConverter