SearchPredictor Class

CVB.Net Documentation
Predictor that may be used for searching objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago (in Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago.dll) Version:

public class SearchPredictor : PredictorBase

The SearchPredictor type exposes the following members.


Public methodSearchPredictor
Load a saved Polimago classification classifier from a file.

Public propertyCorrection
Correction factors in X and Y direction required to rescale the input images for projection onto the retina.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyExtractionRadius
Radius for extracting positive search instances. The unit size is the size of the feature window, i.e. a value of 0.5 means that positive samples can be extracted from withing a range of +/- Feature Window Width and +/- Feature Window Height around each trained instance. Smaller values will necessitate a finer search grid but may yield better results on difficult search tasks.
Public propertyFeatureResolutionRest
Feature resolution to be used for the third and later classification steps.
Public propertyFeatureResolutionStep1And2
Feature resolution to be used for the first two classification steps.
Public propertyFeatureWindowExtent
The feature window extent that has been used during classifier training.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyFileName
Name of the file the object has been loaded from (or
if the object was not loaded).
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyHandle
Native Manto classifier handle.
(Inherited from PolimagoRefCountedObject.)
Public propertyImagePlanes
The plane count of the images that have been used for generating this classifier. Image on which this classifier is to be used will need to have the same plane count.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyInterpolation
Interpolation setting used for generating this object.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyInvariances
Invariances that have been trained on this classifier.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Tests if the native handle has already been disposed.
(Inherited from PolimagoRefCountedObject.)
Public propertyLambda
Regularization value that has been used for generating this object.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyMaxNumResults
The maximum number of results that can be extracted in a GridSearch operation. Increasing this value will increase the amount of memory allocated by this SearchPredictor object.
Public propertyNumClassificationSteps
Number of classification steps defined during training.
Public propertyOffset
Intercept weight that has been used for generating this object.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyPreprocessing
Preprocessing code with which this object was generated.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyRetinaSize
Size of the "Retina" in paxels. The retina is the set of paxels onto which the input image is projected using the preprocessing code prior to application/training of the classifier.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public propertyRotationRange
Range of angles that was covered during classifier training.
Public propertySampleSize
Sample size that has been used in each training set.
Public propertyScaleRange
Range of scale factors that was covered during classifier training.

Public methodDispose
Dispose search classifier.
(Overrides PolimagoRefCountedObjectDispose.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
IDispose helper function.
(Inherited from PolimagoRefCountedObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from PolimagoRefCountedObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGridSearch(Image, Rect, Double, Double, Double)
Perform a grid search.
Public methodGridSearch(Image, Rect, Double, Double, Double, Int32)
Perform a grid search.
Public methodInspect(Image, Point2D, Int32)
PMInspect carries out the operation that GridSearch executes for a grid point, starting at the position defined by pos and with an upright and untransformed perspective.
Public methodInspect(Image, SearchResult, Int32)
PMInspect carries out the operation that GridSearch executes for a grid point, starting at the perspective and position defined by the initial value of the parameter SearchResult. When PMInspect returns successfully, SearchResult will contain the final perspective and result quality. For additional information please see the tutorial on search functions of Polimago.
Public methodInspect(Image, Point2D, Int32, SearchResult)
PMInspect carries out the operation that GridSearch executes for a grid point, starting at the position defined by pos and with an upright and untransformed perspective.
Public methodInspect(Image, SearchResult, Int32, SearchResult)
PMInspect carries out the operation that GridSearch executes for a grid point, starting at the perspective and position defined by the initial value of the parameter SearchResult. When PMInspect returns successfully, SearchResult will contain the final perspective and result quality. For additional information please see the tutorial on search functions of Polimago.
Public methodIsCompatible(Image)
Verify the compatibility of a CVB image with this classifier.
(Inherited from PredictorBase.)
Public methodIsCompatible(Image, Point2D)
Verify the compatibility of a CVB image with this classifier.
(Inherited from PredictorBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSave
Save this object into a file.
(Inherited from PolimagoFactoryCreatedObject.)
Public methodSearchResultToImage
Create a visual representation of a search result.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodVerifyCompatibility(Image)
Verify the compatibility of a CVB image with this classifier.
(Inherited from PredictorBase.)
Protected methodVerifyCompatibility(Image, Point2D)
Verify the compatibility of a CVB image with this classifier.
(Inherited from PredictorBase.)

Public eventObjectDisposing
Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the Dispose method.
(Inherited from PolimagoRefCountedObject.)
See Also
