GradeResult1DInfo Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Additional information about 1D grading results.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode (in Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode.dll) Version:

public enum GradeResult1DInfo

  Member nameValueDescription
Ok0 Grading was successful and did yield a result.
NoResult1 Barcode could not be decoded, therefore no grading was calculated.
CodePositionOutsideAoi2 The Barcode is partly outside the AOI.
CodeHeightTooSmall3 The Barcode's height is too small for grading.
CodeNotRectangular4 The Barcode does not have a rectangular shape, making it unsuitable for grading.
GradingNotSupported5 Barcode grading is not supported for the encountered symbology.
Timeout6 Time limit reached during grading.
CodeTypeNotSupported-1 An unsupported code type was encountered.
TooManyCharacters-2 The code contained more characters than permitted for its symbology.
MeasuringOrificeNotSupported-3 Orifice measurement is currently not supported.
AoiTooSmall-4 The area of interest specified is too small to contain a valid code.
DecodabilityCheckFailed-5 A code was found but considered to be undecodable.
PixelOutsideAoi-6 Some pixels of the code are outside the specified area of interest.
BoundaryCheckFailed-7 A boundary check failed.
TrimmingToParallelFailed-8 Trimming failed.
ErrNoMaxFailed-9 ?
ECMinFailed-10 ?
See Also
