FftNormalization Enumeration

CVB.Net Documentation
Normalization modes that can be applied when calculating the Fourier transform or its inverse.

Namespace:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation
Assembly:  Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation (in Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.dll) Version:

public enum FftNormalization

  Member nameValueDescription
Forward1 Apply a factor 1/N in forward transformation, but not in inverse transformation.
Inverse2 Apply a factor 1/N in the inverse transformation but not in forward transformation.
Sqrt4 Apply a factor 1/sqrt(N) in inverse and forward transformation alike.
None8 No or unknown normalization.

Effectively this is the factor before the transformation integral.

Typically the same factor should be applied in forward and inverse transform, otherwise the absolute pixel values of a transformation round trip will differ from the original pixel values.

See Also
