Discrete2Of5 Properties

CVB.Net Documentation

The Discrete2Of5 type exposes the following members.


Protected propertyAbsoluteMaxDigits
Most codes that know an upper maximum digits setting will use 50 for the upper limit.
(Inherited from ReaderCommon1DConfigurationBase.)
Protected propertyAbsoluteMinDigits
Most codes that know a lower minimum digits setting will use 1 for the lower limit.
(Inherited from ReaderCommon1DConfigurationBase.)
Public propertyCheckQuietzone
When set to true, the reader will check if the quiet zone requirements are violated by the code.
(Inherited from ReaderWithQuietzonConfigurationBase.)
Public propertyEvaluateCheckDigit
When set to true, the reader will evaluate available check digits in the code.
(Inherited from ReaderWithBooleanCheckDigitConfigurationBase.)
Public propertyInverse
Barcode or Matrix code is inverted in the image.
(Inherited from ReaderConfigurationBase.)
Public propertyMaxDigits
Maximum number of digits in the code.
(Inherited from ReaderCommon1DConfigurationBase.)
Public propertyMinDigits
Minimum number of digits in the code.
(Inherited from ReaderCommon1DConfigurationBase.)
Public propertyTransmitCheckDigit
When set to true, the reader will transmit the check digit with the result.
(Inherited from ReaderCommon1DConfigurationBase.)
See Also
