SearchPredictorFactory Properties

CVB.Net Documentation

The SearchPredictorFactory type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAngleRange
Range of angles to be covered during classifier training.
Public propertyExtractionRadius
Radius for extracting positive search instances. The unit size is the size of the feature window, i.e. a value of 0.5 means that positive samples can be extracted from withing a range of +/- Feature Window Width and +/- Feature Window Height around each trained instance. Smaller values will necessitate a finer search grid but may yield better results on difficult search tasks.
Public propertyFeatureResolutionRest
Feature resolution (determines the size of the classification retina) for step 3 and up.
Public propertyFeatureResolutionStep1And2
Feature resolution (determines the size of the classification retina) for search step 1 and 2.
Public propertyInvariances
Invariances to be used for generating the classifier.
Public propertyLambda
Regularization value to be used for generating the object. Possible values range from 0 to 10, good starting values for experiments are usually around 0.01.
(Inherited from PredictorFactoryBase.)
Public propertyNumClassificationSteps
Number of classification steps during search operation.
Public propertyPreprocessing
Preprocessing code with which the object is to be generated.
(Inherited from PredictorFactoryBase.)
Public propertySampleSize
Sample size that has been used in each training set.
Public propertyScaleRange
Range of scale factors to be covered during classifier training. Only meaningful if the invariance type RotationScaleTranslation has been set.
Public propertySingularValueRange
Range of permissible singular values to be covered during classifier training. Only meaningful if the invariance type AffineGroup has been set.
See Also
